One Health

One Health is an initiative to improve animal and human health globally through collaboration between veterinarians, physicians, osteopaths, dentists, nurses, and other scientific-health professionals. It recognizes that the health of people is closely connected to the health of animals and our shared environment. The study of emerging infectious diseases, the effects of pollution and antibiotic resistance, the value of the human-animal bond, and more are critical to ensuring optimal health and well-being for all species. To promote One Health, the AKC Canine Health Foundation recognizes and supports research that improves the health of dogs while simultaneously advancing knowledge for human medicine.
CHF-funded studies with a One Health impact are denoted with the following symbol on our website and in our Research Grants Portfolio:

Click here to learn more about the One Health Commission.
Explore the November 2021 issue of Human Genetics - a special issue on companion animal genetics which highlights research by several AKC Canine Health Foundation funded investigators.
One Health Articles
One Health: A Shortcourse
(courtesy of the Canine Chronicle, June 2021)
One Health Research Grants
03011 | A GD3 Nano-scaled Liposomal Cancer Vaccine Clinical Trial for Canine Hemangiosarcoma |
03007 | Chimeric BiTE-redirected Anti-viral T Cells for Fratricide of Minimal Residual Disease in T-cell Malignancies |
03009 | Evaluating Accuracy for Identification of Sentinel Lymph Nodes in Dogs with Cutaneous MCT: A Comparison |
02980 | Canine Systemic Insecticides as a Novel Intervention to Protect Dogs from Triatomine Insect Vectors of Chagas Disease |
02966 | Corneal Cross-linking as Treatment for Corneal Ulceration - “Using Light to Save Sight” |
02981 | Genome-wide Identification and Characterization of Peptide Epitopes from Ehrlichia canis and Anaplasma platys with Potential to be Used as Vaccine Candidates |
02987 | It’s All In The Genes: The Mutational Landscape of Acute Myeloid Leukemia in Dogs |
02983 | Enhanced Detection and Characterization of Spotted Fever Group Rickettsia Species in Dogs and Ticks with Focus on a Novel Rickettsia Species Infecting Clinically Ill Dogs in the U.S. |
02946 | Towards Curative Outcomes in Canine Hemangiosarcoma |
02952 | Genetics of X-linked Progressive Retinal Atrophy in Greyhounds |
How to Help
Support CHF-funded research. The knowledge gained will help improve the health of dogs and humans.
Help Future Generations of Dogs
Participate in canine health research by providing samples or by enrolling in a clinical trial. Samples are needed from healthy dogs and dogs affected by specific diseases.