02299-A: Investigating Recovery of the Skin Microbiota after Surgery
Grant Status: Closed
Collaborative Grant between Triangle Center for Evolutionary Medicine and AKC Canine Health Foundation
Microbes that live on the skin of humans and animals are microscopic organisms including bacteria, Archaea, and fungi. These microbes contribute to the overall health and wellness of animals including humans, and have been shown to influence the wound healing process. Antibiotic resistant bacteria are a growing threat to good health. Therefore, while it is not yet understood how microbes play a role in wound healing, a better understanding would allow potential new treatments to emerge using either the microbes themselves, and/or microbial products. This project brings together collaborators from the NCMNS, North Carolina Central University, North Carolina State University (NCSU), and the NCSU College of Veterinary Medicine to investigate the ecological changes in skin microbe composition of dogs following elective surgery. The dogs in this study are receiving veterinary care at NCSU’s College of Veterinary Medicine, are undergoing surgery as part of their care, and are given antibiotics. The study’s investigators will assess the presence of antibiotic resistant bacteria on dog skin before and after surgery to evaluate the impacts on wound healing.
None at this time.
Help Future Generations of Dogs
Participate in canine health research by providing samples or by enrolling in a clinical trial. Samples are needed from healthy dogs and dogs affected by specific diseases.