02116-A: Establishing Best Practices in the Treatment of Atopic Dermatitis to Prevent Antimicrobial Resistance
Grant Status: Closed
Atopic dermatitis (AD/Allergic skin disease) is a common condition affecting approximately 10% of the canine population, with strong breed predilections. Affected dogs often succumb to recurrent bacterial skin infections, namely by Staphylococcus species. As in human medicine, one of the major obstacles in treating these infections is combating antimicrobial resistance. Frequently, multidrug resistant (MDR) bacteria are encountered and limited treatment options are available. These resistant bacteria can also be transferred between pets and their owners. Though a common clinical threat, knowledge of how resistance is acquired by bacteria warrants further investigation. Are MDR bacteria present on the skin at the onset of infection or do they evolve with the selective pressure of treatment? Current technologies provide sensitive means of detection of mechanisms of resistance, but this has yet to translate into tools for clinical practice. Genetic and genomic analysis of bacterial swabs acquired from dogs with AD and concurrent skin infections and from normal dogs will be compared to current laboratory culture techniques. Sampling dogs before, during, and after treatment will allow Dr. Rankin and her team to predict the effect of treatment on bacterial acquisition of antimicrobial resistance. This study will provide a framework for implementation of new technologies in clinical practice, and give insight into how antimicrobial resistance develops overtime.
None at this time.
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Participate in canine health research by providing samples or by enrolling in a clinical trial. Samples are needed from healthy dogs and dogs affected by specific diseases.