Displaying results 31 - 40 of 99 items found.

31. Medial Shoulder Instability in Performance Dogs

(File; Tue Jul 24 07:36:00 CDT 2012)

Focus on Canine Sports MedicineRotator Cuff Injuryin Performance Dogsi By nSherman PO. Canaperp, Jr.,fDVM,oMS,rDiplommate aACVnS and cRia eAcciani,DMPTogs© DIANELEWISPHOTOGRAPHY.COMO ne of the most common forelimbne of the most common fo...

Description: One of the most common forelimb conditions that presents in canine athletes is medial shoulder instability (MSI). This condition may be considered similar to a rotator cuff injury in people. Signs of MSI may be as subtle as performance-related problems such as refusing tight turns or be as severe as a weight-bearing lameness.

32. Iliopsoas Strains (Groin Pulls)

(File; Tue Jul 24 07:40:00 CDT 2012)

Focus on Canine Sports MedicineNon-responsive Hind-limbLameness inAgility Dogs:Iliopsoas StrainsBy Sherman O. Canapp, Jr., D.V.M., M.S., Diplomate ACVS© PHOTOGRAPHY BY LESLEYS trider is a two-year-old intactfemale Border Collie. Over the...

Description: Information on the causes, diagnosis and treatment of canine groin pulls.

33. Canine Cruciate Ligament Injury Part 1

(File; Tue Jul 24 07:48:00 CDT 2012)

Focus on Canine Sports MedicineCranial CruciateLigament Injuryin Agility DogsPart 1By Sherman O. Canapp, Jr., DVM, MS, Diplomate ACVS© TIEN TRAN PHOTOGRAPHYK eili, an 8-year-old female spayedK eili, an8- year-oldfemalespayedK Brittany Sp...

Description: Information on the signs of CCL rupture and the surgical options for repair.

34. Canine Cruciate Ligament Injury Part 2

(File; Tue Jul 24 07:51:00 CDT 2012)

Focus on Canine Sports MedicineCCrraanniiaalCrl CruucciiaatteLie LiggaammeenntInurt InjjuryyiinAgliyDDn Agiilitty ooggssCranial Cruciate Ligament Injuryin Agility DogsCCrraanniiaalCrl CruucciiaatteLie LiggaammeenntInurt Injjuryyin Agilit...

Description: Information on the three phases of rehabilitation for CCL injury.

35. Heritage Society Enrollment Form

(File; Thu Sep 27 08:00:00 CDT 2012)

THE AKC CANINE HEALTH FOUNDATIONI think it’s extremelyimportant for everybodywho owns a dog — anydog — to think aboutdoing something togive back to the CanineHealth Foundation, tokeep the research goingin all these different areaswhere t...

Description: Form for individuals who choose to give to the AKC Canine Health Foundation in a will/estate and give permission to list my name as a member of the AKC Canine Health Foundation Heritage Society on their donor list.

36. 2013 Oak Grant Printable List

(File; Mon Nov 05 09:09:00 CST 2012)

AKC CanineHealth Foundation2013 OAK GrantsPlease contact us today to learn more about any ofthe exciting grants or program areas listed here.This important research needs your support!888-862-9696www.akcchf.orgCardiology Program Area0175...

Description: Printable list of 2013 Oak grants with titles and lay project descriptions.

37. 2012 Holiday Card

(File; Tue Dec 11 13:27:00 CST 2012)

Happy Holidays from AKC!

Description: Season's Greetings from the AKC Canine Health Foundation

38. 2012 Holiday Card Flash

(File; Thu Dec 13 11:26:00 CST 2012)

Description: Landing page animation for 2012 Holiday Card

39. 2013 Champions for Canine Health Calendar Electronic PDF

(File; Thu Dec 27 07:25:00 CST 2012)

Description: PDF preview of the newly designed 2013 calendar

40. Bloat RFP Lay Language Summary

(File; Tue Jan 08 11:15:00 CST 2013)

Bloat Initiative Request for Proposals (RFP)Requests for Proposals (RFP) are written to inform scientists of available funds to study specific areas ofinterest to a funding agency. The AKC Canine Health Foundation has written an RFP for ...

Description: Bloat RFP Lay Language Summary

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