02981: Genome-wide Identification and Characterization of Peptide Epitopes from Ehrlichia canis and Anaplasma platys with Potential to be Used as Vaccine Candidates
Grant Status: Open
One Health: Yes
Ehrlichia canis and Anaplasma platys are tick-borne canine pathogens and cause serious and debilitating illness in dogs. There is a critical need to improve diagnostics and to develop vaccines and novel treatment strategies. The goal of this study is to identify vaccine candidates and diagnostic markers using an advanced genomic approach. Investigators will identify potential vaccine candidates by exploring all proteins in the pathogen’s genome in an approach termed reverse vaccinology. This approach will circumvent the expensive and time-consuming procedures in traditional vaccine design and development. Researchers aim to identify unique and shared molecules that could be used to develop a common vaccine for both agents. After initial prediction using computer analysis of A. platys and E. canis genomes, they will experimentally validate use through laboratory assays. The long-range goal of this work is to develop vaccines and improve diagnostics and intervention strategies to alleviate E. canis and A. platys infection in dogs. Tick-borne diseases such as those caused by E. canis and A. platys have a global distribution. Proactive prevention, accurate diagnosis, and prudent treatment are critical aspects of disease control. Results from this project will have a global impact on influencing the health and wellbeing of dogs and their owners.
None at this time.
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Participate in canine health research by providing samples or by enrolling in a clinical trial. Samples are needed from healthy dogs and dogs affected by specific diseases.