02368: Identification of Mitral Valve Disease DNA variants in Miniature Schnauzers
Grant Status: Closed
Mitral valve degeneration is the most common heart disease in the dog and is particularly common in small breed dogs. Miniature Schnauzers are one of the most commonly affected breeds. Although some dogs live comfortably with the disease, many affected dogs die of congestive heart failure and sometimes sudden death due to rupture of a weakened heart. Mitral valve degeneration is thought to be an inherited disease in the dog although the causative mutation(s) have not been identified. Failure to understand the underlying cause of canine mitral valve degeneration has slowed the development of effective treatment and prevention plans. The investigators will identify genetic variants that lead to the development of mitral valve degeneration in Miniature Schnauzers, and use this information to develop treatment and prevention plans for dogs with high-risk DNA variants.
Williams, B., Friedenberg, S. G., Keene, B. W., Tou, S. P., DeFrancesco, T. C., & Meurs, K. M. (2021). Use of whole genome analysis to identify shared genomic variants across breeds in canine mitral valve disease. Human Genetics. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00439-021-02297-w
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