02180-A: Exploring the Canine Immune System for New Treatments
Grant Status: Closed
Project Summary
Although more data is pending for this project, as initial findings, we have determined that overall presence of antibodies in culture decreased the ability of canine myeloid cells to eliminate MRSA infection. This was not specific to the regulatory or inhibitory PD-1-PDL1 pathway interestingly, but occurred with addition of any antibody perhaps indicating other non-specific signaling as important between antibodies and myeloid cells trying to clear MRSA infection.
We found that a setting of likely robust inflammation was able to alter the B cell phenotype from regulatory and IL-10 producing. Overall this may mean that if a MRSA-infected dog can mount a decent inflammatory response they should be able to clear the infection. Only in settings where the dog is immunosuppressed might the dog’s immune system, and specifically its macrophages or myeloid cells, not be able to fight off this infection eventually.
None at this time.
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Participate in canine health research by providing samples or by enrolling in a clinical trial. Samples are needed from healthy dogs and dogs affected by specific diseases.