02118-A: Targeting the Mechanism of Bacterial Adherence during Pyometra to Develop an Effective, Non-Invasive Treatment for Disease
Grant Status: Closed
Project Summary
immunohistochemistry. Therefore, the increased levels of SR-B1 in pyometra affected uteri indicate a potential role of this scavenger receptor in endometrial bacterial adhesion.
Follow-up studies will be performed in the laboratory with cell culture experiments (in vitro) using uterine tissues obtained from routine ovariohysterectomies. A cell culture model of the canine endometrial surface epithelium will help to investigate the influence of hormones, cytokines and bacteria on SR-B1 expression and allows the experimental blocking of SR-B1 without animal testing. In the follow-up study we hypothesize that blocking of SR-B1 in vitro will lead to decreased bacterial binding and inflammatory response via cytokine release as it was observed in other pathological conditions in human diseases and murine models. If these studies are successful we suggest flushing of the canine uterus with a SR-B1 blocking solution as a preventative procedure in exposed bitches or as additional treatment in conservative pyometra therapy.
Gabriel, C., Becher-Deichsel, A., Hlavaty, J., Mair, G., & Walter, I. (2016). The physiological expression of scavenger receptor SR-B1 in canine endometrial and placental epithelial cells and its potential involvement in pathogenesis of pyometra. Theriogenology, 85(9), 1599-1609.e2. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.theriogenology.2016.01.021
Mair, G., Unger, H., & Gabriel, C. (2017). Combining RPL27 with OAZ1 or RPL8 as Universal Normalizers of Gene Expression in Canine Endometrial Studies. International Journal of Veterinary Science and Technology, 1(1), 23–24.
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