272: Oligonucleotide Microarray Gene Expression Profiling of Canine Lymphoma
Grant Status: Closed
Lymphoma is one of the most common cancers seen in the dog. Current methods of classifying lymphoma neither explain nor predict its variable clinical behavior. While the majority of canine lymphomas appear microscopically similar and affected dogs show similar clinical signs, the clinical course of the disease can vary significantly in patients with microscopically identical tumors with identical clinical signs. This heterogeneity in behavior is particularly evident with respect to response to chemotherapy. Although the majority of patients initially respond well to chemotherapy, some are disease-free for a few months, while others remain disease-free over two years. Clearly, microscopic and initial clinical appearances inadequately explain the variable clinical behavior. In order to better understand and explain these differences, we will create and develop a specialized dog lymphoma gene microarray; a new tool that can be used to determine which groups of genes are important in different sub-types of lymphoma. Ultimately, by identifying these important groups of genes, we hope to 1) provide better prognostic information regarding individual tumor clinical behavior, 2) identify important groups of genes that characterize unique lymphoma sub-types, and 3) identify new molecules or genes that can be targets for development of new drugs to treat lymphoma.
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Participate in canine health research by providing samples or by enrolling in a clinical trial. Samples are needed from healthy dogs and dogs affected by specific diseases.