2646: Effect of Hyperthermia on Skeletal Muscle Energy Efficiency
Grant Status: Closed
Working dogs are at risk for heat exhaustion and heat stroke due to the large amount of body heat they produce and the difficulties inherent in a dog’s ability to dissipate heat. Preliminary data suggest that dogs that lack adequate fitness are at particular risk for hyperthermia due to inefficiency in their ability to burn cellular fuel to power their muscles. The investigators aim to confirm this observation and identify the mechanisms by which fitness improves energy efficiency in a dog’s muscles, improving their well-being by allowing them to work harder in hot environments without overheating. Confirming the importance of physical conditioning of working dogs to avoid heat injury, will provide dog handlers, trainers, and veterinarians with an important tool to emphasize fitness training of working dogs.
Davis, M. S., & Barrett, M. R. (2021). Effect of conditioning and physiology hyperthermia on canine skeletal muscle mitochondrial oxygen consumption. Journal of Applied Physiology. https://doi.org/10.1152/japplphysiol.00969.2020
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Participate in canine health research by providing samples or by enrolling in a clinical trial. Samples are needed from healthy dogs and dogs affected by specific diseases.