2463: Evaluation of Pharyngeal Function in Dogs with Laryngeal Paralysis Prior to and After Unilateral Arytenoid Lateralization
Grant Status: Closed
Laryngeal paralysis causes difficult breathing, which significantly limits activity and can be life threatening, in many large breeds of dogs. Surgical treatment maintains one side of the larynx, or voice box, in an open position. Coughing and gagging associated with eating and drinking and aspiration pneumonia may be present at the time of diagnosis or can develop after surgery. The complication rate associated with surgery in general has been reportedly low, but a recent publication quoted a 34 percent complication rate, with 28 percent complication rate following the most common surgical method. The purpose of this study is to determine if swallowing function is abnormal in dogs with laryngeal paralysis and to determine if surgery worsens this condition, thereby increasing the risk of aspiration pneumonia. Real-time radiographs of swallowing, endoscopy and evaluation of laryngeal muscle activity will be used to evaluate laryngeal and pharyngeal function in dogs affected with laryngeal paralysis prior to and after surgical correction. We will compare these results to young, healthy, large breed dogs and older large breed dogs that have no signs of respiratory or swallowing disease.
None at this time.
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Participate in canine health research by providing samples or by enrolling in a clinical trial. Samples are needed from healthy dogs and dogs affected by specific diseases.