2416: Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome in Canine Pyometra
Grant Status: Closed
Early recognition and aggressive treatment of the Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (SIRS) is imperative to avoid a fatal outcome. SIRS is not a disease in itself but is considered as the overwhelming response of the body to a cascade of inflammatory mediators, released after major trauma, pancreatitis, snake bite, heat stroke or bacterial infection of different organs. Pyometra, a common disease in intact female dogs, is considered associated with SIRS. Our cooperation with the Swedish University of Agricultural Science in Sweden, where female dogs are not routinely spayed, gives us an unique opportunity to receive large numbers of samples from dogs with pyometra. Blood samples from 50 dogs have been successfully transported to WSU. Detection of SIRS today is limited to recognition of clinical criteria, defined for SIRS, such as temperature, heart rate, and white blood cell count, but these criteria are not very specific. The proposed study will test if cytokine and acute phase protein levels in the blood are more specific detectors of SIRS than clinical criteria, which could lead to a more accurate and rapid detection of this syndrome. Rapid recognition would enable institution of aggressive treatment earlier in the disease, likely leading to reduced suffering and mortality of these dogs.
Help Future Generations of Dogs
Participate in canine health research by providing samples or by enrolling in a clinical trial. Samples are needed from healthy dogs and dogs affected by specific diseases.