How You Can Help
The AKC Canine Health Foundation is grateful to have the loyal support of corporations, foundations, dog clubs and individuals who love dogs. We need your continued support to keep funding canine health research that helps dogs live longer, healthier lives. No matter your capacity to give, there are ways you can help.
Club Membership
Your dog club can help us prevent, treat and cure canine disease by becoming a member of the AKC Canine Health Foundation. Membership includes benefits such as newsletters for your club and a display banner.
Heroes for Health Research

Heroes for Health Research create a personal fundraising page in honor or memory of a canine or human friend. Heroes pages are a great way to raise funds from your family and friends that will help us award more research grants.
Other Ways to Help

There are many ways to support the AKC Canine Health Foundation. View our complete list including donating your vehicle, the Purina Parent Club Partnership Program, and the Living Art Calendar to find the right fit for you.
Help Future Generations of Dogs
Participate in canine health research by providing samples or by enrolling in a clinical trial. Samples are needed from healthy dogs and dogs affected by specific diseases.