Thoracoscopic-Guided Autologous Blood Injection for Treatment of Primary Spontaneous Pneumothorax
Dogs Diagnosed with Primary Spontaneous Pneumothorax
NC State University College of Veterinary Medicine is evaluating the feasibility of thoracoscopy (minimally invasive surgery) for the identification and localization of pulmonary bullae associated with spontaneous pneumothorax. The current approach to this disease is open surgical exploration via a median sternotomy; by demonstrating the ability of thoracoscopy to identify pulmonary bullae, we hope to be able to offer a minimally invasive way to treat spontaneous pneumothorax in dogs.
Inclusion Criteria: Dogs diagnosed with primary spontaneous pneumothorax
Participation: All patients will receive the standard of care treatment (surgical exploration via open thoracotomy) following thoracoscopic exploration. This will minimize the likelihood of recurrence while allowing for comparison of lesion localization between the two approaches.
Study benefits:
• Free thoracic CT (consistent with standard of care treatment
• Free thoracoscopic exploration.
Name: Dr. Valery Fairfax Scharf
Phone: 979-595-6664
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Participate in canine health research by providing samples or by enrolling in a clinical trial. Samples are needed from healthy dogs and dogs affected by specific diseases.