Canine Cancer Patient Biospecimens Now Available for Scientific Study
Canine Comparative Oncology and Genomics Consortium and the Pfizer-CCOGC Biospecimen Repository Announce the Availability of Canine Cancer Patient Biospecimens for Scientific Study Effective October 29th 2012
Contact: Matthew Breen, Ph.D.
Phone: 919-879-8438
Rockville, MD - Canine cancer patient biospecimens are now available for scientific use through the Canine Comparative Oncology and Genomics Consortium (CCOGC) and the Pfizer-CCOGC Biospecimen Repository.
The CCOGC has created an infrastructure for the collection and banking of tissues from dogs with naturally occurring cancer to help researchers further the investigation into the inner workings of cancer in the domestic dog, as well as facilitate investigation into tumor types with broad translational relevance that can benefit both human and dog patients.
The Pfizer-CCOGC Biospecimen Repository currently houses over 2,000 patient samples across seven spontaneously arising cancer histologies: osteosarcoma, lymphoma, melanoma, pulmonary tumors, mast cell tumor, soft tissue sarcomas and hemangiosarcoma. Samples available from each patient include: tumor and normal tissues (formalin fixed, snap frozen and OCT), as well as frozen serum, plasma, urine and whole blood (from both EDTA and PaxGene RNA collection tubes).
For more information about CCOGC and to apply for samples from the biorepository, please visit or contact us at
CCOGC Background
Formed in 2004, the Canine Comparative Oncology and Genomics Consortium (CCOGC) is a group of veterinary and human medical and radiation oncologists, pathologists, surgeons, geneticists, and cellular and molecular biologists who share the common goals of facilitating collaborations across disciplines, focusing on the problem of cancer in dogs. Priorities of the CCOGC include advocacy for the field of Comparative Oncology, expansion of available canine-specific research reagents, and the development of a biospecimen repository.
With a lead gift from Pfizer Animal Health and substantial donations from the AKC Canine Health Foundation and Morris Animal Foundation, sample collection began in 2007. Standard operating procedures for tissue/sample collection and storage were established to maximize consistency and are subject to annual review. Informed owner consent and IACUC approval has been obtained prior to collection and samples have been de-identified at the collecting site. Each case in the repository is represented by tumor and normal tissue, collected and processed in ethanol and two frozen formats (flash frozen and OCT embedded). The repository follows many aspects of the organization and structure of the proposed National Biospecimen Network Blueprint. A sample shipping and collection database (Tissue Tracker) is used for real time connection between CCOGC collection sites and the central physical bank (Pfizer-CCOGC Biospecimen Repository) housed in Frederick, MD. Patient clinical information is contemporarily collected and logged as part of the biorepository effort and is available along with the samples.
In addition to providing access to banked canine cancer biospecimens, the CCOGC is also able to offer its tissue collection infrastructure to third parties who wish to request specific prospective collection of tissues. Further information may be obtained by contacting
For more information on the Canine Comparative Oncology and Genomics Consortium and the Pfizer-CCOGC Biospecimen Repository, please visit
The Canine Comparative Oncology and Genomics Consortium (CCOGC) is a 501(c)3 non-for-profit. The goals of the CCOGC are to facilitate strategic partnerships and collaborations across a diversity of disciplines, focused on the problem of cancer in dogs. Priorities of the CCOGC include advocacy for the field of Comparative Oncology, the development of a mechanism to share reagents and resources in the community, and the development of a biospecimen repository. Visit CCOGC online at for more information.
Help Future Generations of Dogs
Participate in canine health research by providing samples or by enrolling in a clinical trial. Samples are needed from healthy dogs and dogs affected by specific diseases.