Articles & Newsletters

The AKC Canine Health Foundation Library is a comprehensive list of all the canine health articles available on this website. You can search for an article by research area or breed. The information is divided into four sections:

Canine Health Articles

Articles Available for Download (PDF)

Success Stories

Discoveries - the award-winning newsletter of the AKC Canine Health Foundation, published quarterly.

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Research Area

Canine Health Articles

The Role of Oxidative Stress in IMHA January 15, 2013

Immune-mediated hemolytic anemia (IMHA) is a major cause of severe anemia in American dogs. IMHA occurs when the immune system attacks and destroys oxygen-carrying red blood cells (RBC), leading to symptoms including exhaustion, weakness, and panting. However, although scientists have known for years that the immune system destroys the RBCs in dogs with IMHA, they still have no idea what prompts it to attack.

There for Each Other – Relationships Between Humans and Dogs on Search and Rescue Teams November 20, 2012

Search and Rescue teams perform incredibly important, and incredibly stressful, work. However, until recently, there has been little research on how the stresses of the job affect the mental health of the humans and dogs performing it. Researchers recently determined that a factor that significantly increased depression and PTSD symptoms in handlers was having a dog who became sick or died. Interestingly, shifting of the bond between dog and handler did not only affect the humans. Changes in the health of human handlers also affected the well-being of their dogs.

Keeping Dogs' Paws Healthy November 19, 2012

Since dogs spend so much time running, jumping, fetching and generally romping indoors and outside, is it any wonder that having healthy paws is so important for a dog's well being? A few simple steps will keep your dog's paws in good shape and help you recognize common ailments of the foot.

Beyond the Genome October 1, 2012

Beyond the genome, much progress has been made in our understanding of the regulation of health and disease. Developing a greater understanding of all of these mechanisms of disease development in the dog is critical and will likely help solve some of our most complex health problems – not just in dogs, but in humans too.

It's More than Just Bite! October 1, 2012

Part four of the four Series on Posture: Skull shape is one of the most biologically important variations in the dog, because changing the “default” cone-shaped head will change the size and shape of the brain case, the eyes, nose, teeth and airway. There are some health risks that are suspected to have associations with the size and shape of the dog’s head.

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Canine Health Resources Available for Download (PDF)

2001 Canine Cancer Conference Summaries May 21, 2001

Summaries of the presentations made at the 2001 Canine Cancer Conference entitled Dogs, Genes and Cancer: Emerging Concepts in Molecular Diagnosis and Therapy.

2000 Canine Theriogenology Conference Summaries December 10, 2000

Summaries of the presentations made at the 2000 Canine Theriogenology (Reproduction) Conference.

One Medicine - Integration of East and West July 29, 2000

Summary of the presention on integrative medicine made at the 2000 Dog Owners and Breeders Symposium at the University of Florida College of Veterinary Medicine.

Canine Sports Medicine Symposium July 29, 2000

Summary of a presentation on canine sports medicine made at the 2000 Dog Owners and Breeders Symposium

The Canine Genome - What Breeders Need to Know July 29, 2000

Summary of the presentation made on the canine genome at the 2000 Dog Owners and Breeders Symposium at the University of Florida College of Veterinary Medicine.

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Success Stories

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The award-winning print newsletter of the  AKC Canine Health Foundation. Providing in-depth information on canine health research and education.

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