02086-MOU: Defining the Genetic Basis of Myxomatous Mitral Valve Disease
Grant Status: Closed
Myxomatous mitral valve disease (MMVD) is a slowly progressive condition in which the mitral valve thickens, resulting in an imperfect seal between the chambers of the heart. This allows blood to "leak" backward into the atrium as the ventricle contracts and leads to impaired cardiac function. Risk of disease increases with age and is most common in small to medium sized dogs. Dr. Mark Oyama, working in collaboration with Dr. Kate Meurs, will identify single nucleotide polymorphisms associated with myxomatous mitral valve disease (MMVD) in the Norfolk Terrier using genome-wide association studies (GWAS). These investigators believe that GWAS will help narrow down the number of possible disease genes, enabling them to identify risk factors that can be used in informed breeding programs and for veterinary cardiologists to better manage clinical cases. It is anticipated that identification of risk factors in the Norfolk Terrier will inform focused gene searches in additional breeds that are similarly at greater risk of developing MMVD.
Funding for the research is provided through the efforts and generosity of the Friends of Norfolk Terriers donor advised fund. The AKC Canine Health Foundation supports the funding of this effort and will oversee administration of funds and scientific progress.
None at this time.
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